If you're looking to travel to New York
City from around the northeast, you've got a few options. Most people will likely opt for cars, planes,
or even trains - but there's a better option: taking luxury
prime buses to NYC.
It's easy to see why taking the bus is
better than driving yourself, or putting up with the endless hassles of modern
air flight, but what about trains?
Trains can sometimes be inexpensive, but luxury buses are still a much
better option for several reasons.
Why Choose a Luxury Prime Bus to NYC
Rather Than Taking a Train
1 - A smoother ride
First of all, buses provide a much smoother
and more enjoyable
ride than the train. The constant
vibrations of trains and knocking on the rails create a bouncy, bumpy
experience that few people truly enjoy. Modern buses, on the other hand, offer
a silky-smooth ride with suspension that's like floating on air.
2 - A quieter ride
Don't forget about the noise of
trains. Even the best-insulated train is
going to have the ceaseless click-clack of the rails, not to mention plenty of
scraping and groaning as the train cars shift side to side. Buses, on the other
hand, are almost totally silent when you're on the road.
Between the smooth ride and the quiet,
buses are far better to sleep on too!
3 - Delays are more predictable, and
more easily avoided
A train going to a particular place only
has one track. If something has happened, such as a tree or telephone pole
falling across the rails, the train must stop until the obstruction is
cleared. At best you might be able to get out and stretch your legs, but you
aren't going anywhere.
Since buses take the roads, the drivers can
constantly monitor traffic reports and choose routes that avoid traffic jams
and other problems. Significant delays are rarer on buses, and shorter when
they do happen.
4 - Custom booking options
Are you looking to travel with a group to
NYC, or anywhere else? You can typically book a prime bus to NYC all to
yourselves for that extra luxury. You certainly can't do that with a train!
BestBus offers excellent, comfortable, and
low-cost prime bus travel to NYC and across the northeast. When you want the
best way to travel, choose BestBus!